Thursday, November 19, 2009

Where the wild things are

I am finally in Mumbai and it's been a week boy it feels so good. I feel like I have left some extra baggage (54 kilos aprrox ;-) back in Melbourne. So here I am and it looks like I am standing at that start line of my career, after all this is the place I dreamed about all my ambitions and it's ironic I am back here only this time I am armed with a Master's degree.

In one half years the city has changed radically, to be more precise the infrastructure development seems like they are in a rush for the olympics and where the hell is the bloody recession? Oh yes it was just an excuse to fool fresh and vulnerable graduates to work for lower salaries. Anyway the infra looks modern but not world class just like the people of this city, modern but not world class.

Anyone who has been abroad knows the amount of patience you gain from those world class folks and this patience thingy has rubbed on me big time. At one point of time I was the angry frustrated mumbaite with my middle finger being on active duty all the time. Now I am happy to accept our city's limitations and uncivilized mannerisms exhibited by almost everyone. What makes me really sad is everyone looks so unsatisfied, frustrated and mindless.

Sometimes you should try and observe random people and you will find many interesting behavioral patterns. From here I discovered a common problem called the rat race syndrome. Guess what even my sister exhibits this syndrome :-P. People suffering from this syndrome want to be first and thats it. Overtaking, cutting the queue, pushing, shoving, dodging, putting their hand forward to claim their stake or whatever. People suffering from this syndrome don't even exhibit human like behavior and would have been perfect candidates for Charles Darwin and his theory of 'survival of the fittest'. Obviously these folks still feel that we are in medieval times and too some extent it is understandable. It is no surprise to me that our medieval education system doesn't teach us the basics of civic sense.

There is a theory that every city has a life of 300 odd years and after that the city becomes deserted, fast forward to another 250 years and this bloated city will be deserted. Unfortunately none of us will be alive to see this but hopefully this blog could go on and prove my point.

Till then you know where the wild things are......


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