Thursday, April 29, 2010

Vengeance I seek you....

It has taken me a lot of time to realize that life may actually be a level playing field. Over the months its become evident that I have been distressed and purely frustrated due to certain group of people. There characteristics are highly modern yet their origins run deep down to vile pits of hell. They make the Satan proud and the Seven sins look like nursery rhymes. Alas I must admit that they were made for each other, I don't think anyone would survive that level of evil, probably that's why they usually marry within their satanic community and yes its colorful, noisy and fake.

Now, when I was going through my routine insomnia I finally came across the concept of vengeance, but should it be called revenge if I decide to separate these two demons ?? Of course I can try there is this one method which might just do the trick. Whats bothering me is the odds of it working and the future ramifications. Honestly karma can be a bitch too but I might just take a gamble on her this time.

So the big question now is to go ahead and get playing on this level field, hmmm may be I can pose this question to my shrink, I think 7/10 times most shrinks will say no but its worth the try. :-D